Friday, October 5, 2012

Dayspring Community Church

I want to say Thank You for allowing me to hold the Pasta for Prostates fundraiser at your church to help riase money for Prostate Cancer Awareness. 


Today I sent out a check to ZERO The Project to End Prostate Cancer to share with Us TOO International from my past fundraiser on September 29, 2012.   Both organizations will be sharing $187.50 for the whole night we raised $550. Minus the expenses it was a great turn out for a great cause.  Prostate Cancer Awareness!! 

Monday, October 1, 2012

1st Pasta for Prostates

Pasta for Prostates 2012 is over now!  It was a lot of work and everyone is telling me I did a great job! There was a disagreeance with the band volume buy one of the guests. But it all worked out and Tyler Wayne stayed and continued the music!  There were so many great raffle prizes and Happy Winners!

With the dinner we brought in $550.00 I paid the band $100 for gas. It was so worth it, they are great. If you ever get to hear 2 Country w/ Tyler Wayne you will love it. I still need to settle up with the church and will get a final number soon.

I am second guessing my fundraising ability and need to make a decesion on trying another one. It was just so difficult making everyone happy!